Yesterday I went to my Grandma's house and today I decided to spend the day with my mum at a place called Marbury Park near Northwich. There's a big lake surrounded with reeds and they also have lots of different feeding stations, but my favourite one is the one right at the very front which looks over a big lake, as you should see in the photo below.
I took this photo as a landscape shot for my blog today so the people who read it will be able to see what parts of the lake will look like. Today in the reed bed there could have been a possible chance of a bittern, but not in same reeds as the ones you see here. It was the ones at the other side of the lake which you can't see in this photo. I think it could of been a bittern because I did get some photos of something in the reeds and it definitely was a bird with the same colours as a bittern, but there had also been recordings of a bittern seen in the reeds as well. But on the other hand I don't think it was one because it was stood there for the whole time we where there which was the whole day and it never moved a single bit. So it brings me down to it could of been one or it just wasn't one.

So after I was debating on "it was or it wasn't" I took some pictures of some birds. There was a very big noisy Mallard, so I guessed it wanted its photo taken to go on my blog and there's also proof that he wanted a picture because you can tell he's giving a big cheesy sideways grin. He's obviously been practising smiling.
But then of course you have to get a photo of a Robin (why not) and I just think they're really nice bird,s until they see another Robin and go all territorial, then start fighting each other. I think I managed to get a good photo of this beautiful Robin as it was getting ready to do a big leap to the feeding station. It sort-of looks like he's going to fall backwards and get stuck on his back. I still like the photo though.
Waiting abut 10mins and a Kingfisher came shooting down the mere and then started to turn away from us and landed in the opposite tree on the other side of the lake. Can you see the Kingfisher in the bottom-left-hand-corner, but then there's a Heron as well in the top-right-hand-corner. The Kingfisher has intruded the edge of the Heronry and then all the Herons will come down and eat the King Fisher. That's just in my imagination of course.
I only put this photo in because I was in the middle of taking a quick photo of a Blue Tit which would have turned out to be a good photo, but it got photo bombed by another Blue Tit, ruining my photo. It also looks like one of the Blue Tit's has just knocked it's self out by flying into the feeder.
This is probably the funniest photo of today because it looks like he's just opening his mouth and hoping some fish will just fly in, but actually he's yawning. I had to climb this muddy bank to get a photo of it because there was a big stick in the way and I wanted a record shot so, yes, I did climb a muddy bank.
I hope you all had a great day.